View anyone's phone number & email using on Facebook

(if you are using phone it's better to turn on desktop mode on your browser)

Before you start please remember this is only for educational purposes. I'm showing you so that you can be safe. I'll not be responsible for anything. 

Let's start:
We are gonna use FBI tool

				 ________.   .__ 
			       _/ ____\_ |__ |__|
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				|  |   | \_\ \  |
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                             [Facebook Informations]

1. Android phone or PC running on Linux
2. Internet connection

First download termux app from playstore
Then open the terminal and type following commands:-


$ apt update && apt upgrade

$ apt install git python2

$ git clone

$ cd fbi

After that

$ pip2 install -r requirements.txt

$ python2

After completing installation it will look like this-

Main part ( read carefully)-

-To run the operation you will need to create a secondary account for security purposes
- Don't use any kind of VPN or proxy
Or else your account will be banned

Let's begin the process-

$ token
Then login with your fake account
$ get_data

$ dump_id

Your all friends connected to your account will be saved on your output folder. 

Now copy one of your friends id from there 
And type 

$ get_info 

After that it will ask for id 
Then paste your target id

Here you go 😃..

You can explore more by typing help command.

You can make things done by me by contacting me personally (like learn ethical hacking or other things)

Contact me


  1. Man I cant get past the point of what's in the pic directly above. Somebody help me with the viewing anyone's phone number and such on face book

  2. you save my life .. thanks bro


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