Hacker without programming
Become a Hacker without any programming knowledge  


Hello guys welcome here. Today I’ll tell you 

how you can be a hacker without any programing language. You will not get any job by this way but you will be a hacker who can hack any one’s Facebook account or something like that.

This post might me a little bit longer so if you read everything carefully and follow my instruction am sure you will be the person who can call himself a hacker or may be a gray hat hacker


This post only for educational purpose and social awareness. I’m not promoting or instigating anyone to perform this kind of activity. It’s only meant for ensure everyone security. I will not responsible for anything illegal outcome from this. For more info check our Terms and Condition.

So before we start we should know what we are going to do. To be a hacker without programing language means is to fully dependent on other premade toll so everything we perform is by a tool or script which is made by another hacker. That’s why you will be called a script kiddie hacker. But if you work hard you will have so much knowledge that you can perform any kind of hacking

Let’s see what we can learn

  •          Wi-Fi hacking
  •          Man in The Middle Hacking
  •          Carding
  •          Spamming
  •          Online Cracking
  •          Social media hacking
  •          Hacking PC
  •          Android phone hacking
  •          Bypassing 2 step verification
  •          Perform social engineering

Wi-Fi Hacking:

wifi hacking without progaming

Most of us only learn about hacking only for Wi-Fi hacking. But is far as I know that most of the people thinks that they can learn Wi-Fi hacking on their phone. To be honest it’s nearly impossible to hack a Wi-Fi by an android app. There are few apps which can perform WPS attack but it’s useless nowadays. You will need a laptop to hack a Wi-Fi. About 70% Wi-Fi can be hacked so if you want to learn true Wi-Fi hacking bookmark this website I will make practical tutorial in future. Or you can like my Facebook page so whenever I make any post you will receive notification

Visit my Facebook page from Here


Man in The Middle Hackling:

Man in The Middle Hackling:

It is the most dangerous one. By this you will be able to hack anyone Bank account social media account and so on so be care full about this hacking. Ill not talk about it much because we have a complete course about it if you are interested you can purchase it only for 5$.



I cannot discuss this on this blog because it is completely black hat hacking by this a hacker can hack anyone credit or debit card and took all the money of if you are interested this kind of stuff you can purchase the complete carding course form here 

Online cracking:
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Online cracking:

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It is same as carding. Basically in this proses you will be able to hack any premium online account.

At this point you may thing why I am not telling about this kind of stuff. It is because those Are illegal I can’t tell publically those thing you will have to buy a course for that where everything practically done.


Social Media hacking:

Social Media hacking:

Yah it is the most requested question that how to hack my GF Facebook account. So I decide to make a practical of Facebook hacking. I may post this in my next blog. So make sure you are following me on Facebook to get the post link


Hacking Pc:

Hacking Pc

We have the  complete hacking course totally free for you you will learn everything from that course

Follow this link to see the classes on youtube.

click here to see the classes 

And we have left few more topic those are completely secret I will tell you those (android hacking, bypassing 2 step, social Eng.) In future if I get enough response from this post.

So make sure you have share this on your social account and tell your friend about this site.

That’s it for today.

Ask me anything  here

If you are interested to learn hacking you can purchase our hacking courses From this site . we are offering 80% off so make sure you visit once,  Click here 

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